Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Being better than before..

Today I realised I like my body, weights have been amazing for me and I can't wait to get better!!!

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Instagram fitspo; visual fitness inspiration

Its insane how many people use Instagram for its '#fitness' credentials.
If I'm honest its the reason I loathed Instagram for a long time, what appeared to be the biggest bout of vanity I had seen. Then something happened!
I became one of those '#fitness' girls! 

Truth is it's mega inspiring!!! So many normal people trying to better there bodies through a healthy way. No celebrity endorsements or quick fix- good old fashion 'it took me years but it can be done' attitudes!

From body before and afters there is also the tons of quotes which I admittedly have hundreds on my phone from screenshots! Those days when your feeling down look at them they are massively inspiring!
Heres a few of my favs... 

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Body inspiration

Body inspiration

I'm curvy and I love it!
I just want to sculpt and enhance whats already there; trying to find fitspo images that reflect this is well.. Hard!!!!

So I thought I'd share my inspiration.
It's all about those curves and muscles!

My ideology about body image is this;

Weight training, the scales and cheesecake! 'Come at me bro'

Weight training, the scales and cheesecake! 'Come at me bro'

I have majorly neglected this page and i apologise! 

So over the last few weeks i lost my fitness steam, drank too much cider and went to Download festival.
Yet whilst i was away something fab happened, i decided not to eat crap! Admittedly it may have something to do with the prices for food at festivals but i came back and have stuck to it!!

My gym seshs have been regular and different for variation. I may have also found a love for lifting. I braved the testosterone filled weight section  and got on the bar weights: each time improving with the weight and squat ratio!!!! Amazing bum you will be mine! 

My legs absolutely kill right now but it's the best type of body ache! Progress!!!! 

I also did the worst thing when being fitness minded- weighed myself. Now lets get this straight i don't weigh myself as since indulging in fitness i seem to have come to a halt yet my body has changed so much so under advice of friends i decided to stop it!
I caved. 
But!!!!! I weigh the least i have done for almost 4years!!!!!!! Amazed doesn't even cut it. Onwards and upwards though, i'm sticking to my plan and not counting calories just watching certain things n working out like a boss!!!! 
Totally loving leg day atmo!!!

Now pass me the cheescake and maybe a cider!!! Cheat day come at me bro!!! 

Monday, 20 May 2013

Muscle weighs more than fat... Fact.

So the last few times i've weighed myself I've noticed the pounds are creeping up. Despite working out and burning ridiculous amounts of calories and my body feeling more solid.

I've come to realise its true, if your working out then stay away from the scales!!!! The amount of Instagram before and afters when they say they weigh only ten pounds less than before, yet thier bodies look unrecognisable! 

Im lucky enough to have a fab motivational friend who sends me stuff like this! 
So from now on me and the scales are finito!!! Its now about the body and how it feels!!! 

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Kettlercise by guy noble

Kettlercise by guy noble

I've heard of kettle bells and admits let it had never appealed to me until I came across two articles in two fitness magazines about how these women got in shape!

           (My first week of kettlebells) 

I loved the idea of something i could do as an additional after my gym run that would be more strength and core based! 

My god is this hardcore!

It starts with an inspirational classic American style you can do this motivation thingy, presented by a non celebrity which i found refreshing for a home fitness Dvd. There's no sponsorship endorsements, no logos in the background, just pure fitness!!!
It works more circuit military style rather than a routine. Which I prefer as you feel more of a burn!!!! The exercises are timed and repeated throughout, and there is three routines on this DVD.

I try after everywork out to do the 8minuet abs blast which aims to sculpt the stomach area. It hurts so much but I'm defo starting to see a significant change. 

There's the full body programme of 50 minuets, which works every part of the body and also repeats certain parts throughout for a well rounded workout.

Also there's the express programme for if your in a hurry, which still runs through the warm up and smaller amounts of reps! 

Ive been doing this dvd along with my new fitness regime for a while not but i feel stronger and still feel the burn with this dvd so i do defiantly recommend kettle bells!

       ( This weeks kettlebell workout!!) 

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Taken serious... 'Do you even lift?!'

So I think its fair to say no one took me seriously about the fitness thing.. Especially my colleagues at work. The uniform is unflattering to say the least but yesterday was well epic!

Whilst lifting a heavy box one of my colleagues  said, 'whoa!' 
Then came the, 'you lift?!'
Which lead to a, 'B***h please of course I lift'

Haha ❤ 
Boom respect!

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Progress finally!

After a week of no fitness I had a day of kettle bells followed by yesterdays epic gym session; which i'm still aching from!

I have just found that my 'progress' has been so slow/to almost non existent (at least in my mind) so when deciding what to get rid of in my overflowing wardrobe, i tried on this Amy Winehouse for fred perry dress... It used to be so tight that I could hardly move. To my surprise it was too big around the back, waist and hips!!!!

Literally over the moon and i'm pleased i had a pic to compare it too- it has spurred me on to no end.

I also decided to share this pic on Instagram and facebook. I'm not gunna lie uploading a pic to strangers is so much easier than facebook but i thought WtF...
The response was so lovely!

Encouragement is always a good thing and you know what?! I'm guna kill it in my gym sesh tomorrow and my abs are not guna know whats hit them. Now my love affair with the gym is out there, there is no going back and failure isn't an option! Sculpted curves here i come!

Friday, 19 April 2013

Body progress stalemate

Ill admit it I'm jealous

So i'm getting pissed off
Im eating the right things, I even have soya protein shakes for gods sake. I work out everyday from an hour to two hours. I vary my workouts and yet i've hardly lost any weight.

I mean wtf!!!

Admittedly I was only bothered about my fitness but now thats improved i'm pissed off i'm not in those high waist skinny jeans!!!! I'm even more pissed off that my arms are still massive and my back has that yucky fat still!!!!

Argh on the plus side, I have muscles I never knew existed &&& my bum/ legs are doing me proud ❤❤

My furthest distance yet

My furthest distance yet

This week has been my week from hell. A family death and a million other problems all with four days. Running has been my salvation, loosing myself in music...

So yesterday I ran 6.61 km in 45.41. Im so ridiculously chuffed, it may be slow but I'm focusing on distance and constantly running! Trust me I never thought 45minuets of constant running would be possible for me!!!!!

The trouble is I had reached a stale mate with running. The same distance, the same time and the same weights; I don't know what happened but I just kept running! I actually felt like I could go on but my blasted legs felt differently.

I have noticed though the more you talk about your progress the less people want to talk to you about it, the more people put you down and the more you have to believe in yourself.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Two feet forward & a heck of a fall back

Two feet forward & a heck of a fall back

Today was my crappest run yet. Literally managed a mere 3.40k before i HAD to stop my legs where buckling under me. Keep in mind for the last week I've managed to increase my distance to 5-6k....
I can't even explain how set back i feel.
One of my amazing fitness friends suggested that running 5/6k for the last seven days every day may be why and that he reckons my body is exhausted. Instead of comfort I'm appalled at this!! How dare my body choose to be exhausted when its one of my fav things in the world!!! I always look forward to my runs and just feel crushed.
I'm blaming the fact i had just finished an 8 hour shift before hand. So I'm divorcing my body from fitness for two days.... I'm Guna be like a twitching addict!!!
By the way exercise does not include Pilates and squats hehe
Until then bring on Sundays session...

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

People can inspire you

People can inspire you

Since I've started this journey so many people have popped out of know where offering gens of advice.
Usually when I'm on a diet i literally tell no one and drink whatever stupid diet food/shake in the shadows.
However this time i tell people when they ask what I'm up to... The results have been amazing!
At work I've discovered marathon runners, women who can squat more weight that i knew was possible and all the inspiring people not only give me advice but ask me everytime i see them how far I ran or how much I lifted.
Pushing me to go further.
Out of work there's been tons of help and motivation from new friends and old!
Without realising it all these people motivate me daily to be better- don't be afraid to ask for help, tell people how your doing and be proud of what you have archived!!!!!!

Boom smash it!!!!

Boom smash it

I'm abi and I'm a fitness addict.
For all of about five weeks.

I literally think about running almost every few mins in the day... And regrettably straight after I've done it.
I love that feeling when you've smashed your own record, when you out run everyone else and watch people's faces as they glance at your time/ distance.
I'm one of these women who gets competitive. Not so much with others but myself which I think is worse! Oh and heaven forbid someone tell me i can't do it.... It's a major flaw but right now buzzing with endorphins and cant wait till tomorrow's work out.
Now if someone can just tell my body to acknowledge the hard work so i can see some results that would fab!!!!
Ive noticed one bad side effect!!!! My boobs have gone down a size!!! Back and cup :/ i can afford to loose a bit but not a lot :( lets hope this doesn't continue! Anyone else found this?

Thursday, 4 April 2013

'F**k it I'll do a marathon'

I've done the race for life 5k for the last two years. Each time jogging and 
getting a decent time. I'd like to call myself a 'in the run upto trainee'; 
meaning I forget I'm signed up and suddenly start training the week before.
However I've developed a (dare I say it) love for running. 
I love how it makes me feel, during and after. 
I love the effects it has on my body. I love the feeling when your running, just
 you, music and your thoughts, with determination spurring you on. I've decided 
having seen an improvement in my distance and fitness after such a short space of
 time,f**k it I'm singing up for a marathon, although it may just be half!!!
 The race for life is a fantastic cause and I'm in now way snubbing it, as ill be
 running for Macmillan support or cancer research anywho! I just feel like i need
 a challenge,something to aim for and to accomplish on a body empowering wave 
I've been reading tons of Women's running magazines, and Health & Fitness 
magazines. All of which have fab training programmes for long distance running,
 and marathon training. I'm so excited about the possibility of this, me the 
girl who gets called fat! It's not about size its about health & fitness <3
Just watch me do it!
 A little fighting talk hehe & Inspiring image ;)  

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Lets start somewhere- running for beginners

Running is something I liked the idea of but never committed myself to 
and never thought was possible with my 34gg assets. How wrong I was!!!
Running is fantastic  for the body as it Not only does running flood your
 brain with the feel good endorphins, it has fantastic benefits on your health.
 Running is fantastic cardio, and in return it strengthens the muscles, 
including your heart, throughout your body, improves circulation and resting
 heart rate, and helps you burn calories. For running I whole heartedly suggest
 an app that tracks your time and progress.
I use 'mapmyfitness' ; even after a crappy run I realise that compared to 
my first few ones I've come along way! I also suggest running trainers, 
remember your putting pressure on your knees and
legs so they need support as much as the assets do!! 
 No matter what bust size you are invest in a decent sports bra!!!!
 The bigger busy you have the more i recommend investing a bit more for a higher 
quality as my first sports bra caused me constant pain and back ache. 
My current one literally makes them not even move! Incredible! 
Remember everyone starts somewhere a walk/run is just as important in the first

The before fitness photo

I wish I had done the before photo- at times I struggle to see if there has actually
 been any change.
I know that I've majorly tones up, I can see that my thighs no longer wabble, my 
calves are slimmer, my arms more toned and even smaller love handles! Yet my stupid stomach is yet to
 get the message! 
Maybe I'm expecting too much too soon?
It has shrunk but just not enough?!

I'm mixing up my workouts to do Pilates more and I'm due to start kettlebell routines... So fingers crossed!!!!
I decided after much research I would start with these dvds

Here's some stomach exercises ill be trying! Let’s do this!

'The motivation to get up & change'

Confessions of a tattooed curvy girl 

The moment it clicked

There's many reasons i decided something had to change. 
For two years now I've been ' running' on & off taking part in the race for life,whilst bingeing on crap. Constantly going between the loose but fitted size 14 in which I would then give myself permission to eat whatever I wanted, to the tight 16 where I'd restrict my eating and swap a few meals for slim fast until i was back to the loose 14 stage. 

Although I'm pleased it hasn't fluctuated much its not healthy to be that way included. 

Something snapped lately. I was enjoying my daily 2-3 miles outdoor runs. Then one run i felt pains all down my shins and then throughout the next day. It was only when I was battling through the pain one run when I literally couldn't run anymore i knew I had shin splints. 
Shin splints may not seem like a big deal but in a panic i joined my local gym; i was starting to notice i was improving and for once i didn't want to loose the fitness i was starting to notice. 

Perhaps its also partially body acceptance. I'm the 'biggest' in my group of friends at a 14/16 but having recently made myself a dress i came to realise I'm the perfect hourglass shape, I dress to suit my shape and i started to realise i don't mind what I see. I think when you start to like yourself you can finally strive to improve yourself. 

I know part of my fitness journey is also thanks to Instagram. Daily photos of #fitness and #squats have allowed me to see other people's transformations, enabled me to ask these people how they've done it!!! 

Above all the feeling of almost a month on and knowing that you can feel a difference in strength, body and fitness keeps you needing to go the gym. I'm starting to understand the dedication people can go through. 

Monday, 1 April 2013

My first confession 'the start of it all'

Confessions of a tattooed curvy girl 

Firstly I'm going to keep this open and honest I'm refusing to edit myself. Life isn't edited and this is my journey of fitness, tips and self acceptance- if i fall down i don't want to lie about it!

So I'm the tattooed curvy girl, I'm 22 a size 14/16 and an hourglass. 
I've dipped in and out of diets, fads and fitness for years. Some worked and some didn't- ultimately well argue it all failed as three years on I'm around the same size! 
Anywho ill be sharing recipes, tips, reviews and hopefully progress to a healthier tattooed curvy girl.