Tuesday, 9 April 2013

People can inspire you

People can inspire you

Since I've started this journey so many people have popped out of know where offering gens of advice.
Usually when I'm on a diet i literally tell no one and drink whatever stupid diet food/shake in the shadows.
However this time i tell people when they ask what I'm up to... The results have been amazing!
At work I've discovered marathon runners, women who can squat more weight that i knew was possible and all the inspiring people not only give me advice but ask me everytime i see them how far I ran or how much I lifted.
Pushing me to go further.
Out of work there's been tons of help and motivation from new friends and old!
Without realising it all these people motivate me daily to be better- don't be afraid to ask for help, tell people how your doing and be proud of what you have archived!!!!!!

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