Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Lets start somewhere- running for beginners

Running is something I liked the idea of but never committed myself to 
and never thought was possible with my 34gg assets. How wrong I was!!!
Running is fantastic  for the body as it Not only does running flood your
 brain with the feel good endorphins, it has fantastic benefits on your health.
 Running is fantastic cardio, and in return it strengthens the muscles, 
including your heart, throughout your body, improves circulation and resting
 heart rate, and helps you burn calories. For running I whole heartedly suggest
 an app that tracks your time and progress.
I use 'mapmyfitness' ; even after a crappy run I realise that compared to 
my first few ones I've come along way! I also suggest running trainers, 
remember your putting pressure on your knees and
legs so they need support as much as the assets do!! 
 No matter what bust size you are invest in a decent sports bra!!!!
 The bigger busy you have the more i recommend investing a bit more for a higher 
quality as my first sports bra caused me constant pain and back ache. 
My current one literally makes them not even move! Incredible! 
Remember everyone starts somewhere a walk/run is just as important in the first

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